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[展会客户] 香港国际春季灯饰展2019 展览买家采购会 环球买家3

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    2020-12-4 00:37
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    发表于 2019-4-1 13:51:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    & ]# B. C: P& \" Z9 u西班牙
    7 ?, B; ~+ Q5 X; W3 e5 r$ a户外照明7 B$ B# {/ {& U7 }  A
    The company is specialized in creating, designing and manufacturing solutions, collections and lighting products since 1948.$ w# M2 O( D2 V2 h# F8 H  [
    产品/服务类别:9 Y) O: R1 [, }  [/ Z
    照明产品1 N) [8 m! \7 d; T+ ~
    $ ]& N3 N$ |" \8 A; y% H* Z公司类别:进口商, M8 h7 {0 X, e" V2 _1 ^8 ]: j* T( Y
    公司网址:http://www.carpyen.com2 x; C" }9 ?( n% j* j
    采购产品类型: 户外照明        
    / V* Q: u* d1 G0 U% ?6 C5 r  |. j% K$ W8 `
    Hung Ngoc Trading And Import Export Company Limited; `7 |6 i3 [* R/ J$ F
    & c. r* Y+ H6 c* |户外照明
    ! U) j5 O) Z+ ~! `* {. bHung Ngoc Trading And Import Export Company Limited which is found in 2016 is a company in Lighting area. Their major industry is manufacturing and trading (public lighting posts, garden decorative posts, electric cabinets...) and providing equipment and materials for electrical systems, public lighting systems also. Their quality management system based on ISO 9001: 2008$ W' a9 `$ f5 @5 t
    & `' O7 D2 t, \6 L2 Z照明产品
    ) v# e! W* F3 f6 k# S1 @5 b9 h7 ?创立年份:20167 r6 }( f( q' p
    公司类别:进口商,批发商,零售商,制造商+ v* V& C8 \1 ~. P
    " Q- c: Q8 o/ G4 R  l采购产品类型: 户外照明) w9 V% [% P. z3 k" v2 \
    $ r+ q; I: @2 \" }
    Tin Loi Trading Construction Company Limited% V# g4 Z/ I! u' Z
    3 J1 m5 H% y' }, B  F# \2 |户外照明- ]6 {& l4 o# F& g0 c3 D4 ]6 E
    Tin Loi Trading Construction Company Limited - specializes in manufacturing and trading high-pressure lamps, workshop lights, lamp posts, steel pillars, and leather designs. In addition, they have experience in the construction and installation of public lighting systems, traffic signals, factories./ L) |  f) [- r# H) D- R  B
    产品/服务类别:8 q6 ^* ]/ y" {" z! V1 M& w/ J
    照明产品( p; m/ f' Q* X3 q" g
    " |& v; o0 k; i2 L$ U" u; V+ M公司类别:批发商,分销商
    + h7 C- i* o- b# \公司网址:http://www.tinloi.com# C1 W) n5 ]  O$ `4 e0 j
    采购产品类型: 户外照明
    ( w: ^7 f' Z. c. J, ]
    " m  t' p8 }6 {+ l/ B# g7 RHeritage Asset Co Ltd; k2 n" I, [  o% Q0 E
    0 [7 M. |0 F, ]LED lights for marina (outdoor).+ k. u! p6 `& w4 P1 @
    Heritage Asset Co Ltd is part of Royal Phuket Marina (RPM), Holding Luxury Marina in Phuket Thailand. They want to improve the lights at their Marina.
    / t( M' E' v  M7 e6 ?( C0 ^产品/服务类别:
    1 G4 w! L* N; q  \照明产品# v" |; `: l* l+ T! Z
    创立年份:2005+ @' K1 S, k1 O5 [
    公司网址:http://www.royalphuketmarina.com# E8 i4 [# o8 |
    采购产品类型: LED lights for marina (outdoor)., M, \# p0 I! P. y! ^1 P

    * }- j: A; H* b吉林省铭贵雷士照明工程有限公司
    + W3 U) Q; P7 b3 e  V中国內地
    6 U; x4 K$ [6 v, T商业照明,照明灯具8 R3 T. o, F, k) y0 L1 O. ~
    2 j1 E  D1 n( G! Y) W3 t6 l创立年份:2013/ U# s+ N& v4 Q% F, u
    公司类别:进口商6 \' p0 y. Q; n5 \" W/ A/ Y
    公司网址:http://www.jlminggui.com- ]* L- j$ K1 p5 j, Q! y
    采购产品类型: 商业照明,照明灯具
    1 I! E9 O) l- G( k* H! u( P6 n
    吉林省恒信照明电器有限公司5 v8 {0 [: q$ W/ A( A
    中国內地- w4 i  y2 d$ P& @
    户外照明,照明灯具2 g& \' U9 R' l" s8 c- p5 h
    吉林省恒信照明电器有限公司位於长春市南关区西四马路70号3栋,於2011年01月11日在长春市工商行政管理局南关分局注册成立,注册资本为500万元人民币,我公司主要经营电器照明设备、五金交电、办公自动化设备及相关辅助材料、楼宇智慧设备、灯光、音响、音视频设备;灯具安装维修;舞台灯光、音响音讯系统工程、弱电系统的集成设计谘询。( v5 X9 h( d' R6 J% [
    产品/服务类别:, ^, `: H) N; Q0 ^7 ^
    照明产品* u9 q! Z  A" P  A
    2 B  U1 G: w; }1 L* X8 M* k2 `9 M公司类别:批发商- ^- C- b" @- q" R
    采购产品类型: 户外照明,照明灯具( o9 l. h( ^  }

    % B4 c& m8 @3 j; n. W5 W北京光影良品灯光设计有限公司4 ^; U! c$ O& R5 C# [, b, t: p
    中国內地/ K0 b# [. k2 B% R
    户外照明7 ?7 w2 v" v& P3 [/ B/ T2 T+ Z# c
      T! H; q* V. n  v3 x产品/服务类别:
    6 F* r$ a8 x4 y) p  [2 }+ V2 Z1 O照明产品
    - e1 I( X% N, e/ Y3 k' P( E公司网址:http://www.gylp.com.cn# v, G3 ~9 e" G  e# x6 D8 H( x
    采购产品类型: 户外照明
    1 i3 o3 C2 o% h
    4 i& h3 q/ v. X. [Light and Studio s.l.8 I" A2 _4 i& `
    西班牙6 C- Y7 ~& C$ ~
    智能照明系统,商业照明,灯泡" g3 ^' h- z/ R* P$ Q& B
    For more than 30 years, at L & S we have been offering innovative lighting solutions for some of the most important architecture and decoration studios in the world.. A* v2 f* R8 u
    6 v) h' s1 E! C: n, E' o, t照明产品
      n  I( C4 j2 f  T% n' U4 z创立年份:19903 [9 w* y3 \0 e( ~
    0 F- t( T  D) M* ^公司网址:http://www.lightandstudio.com" B; C6 O- [- l+ c. M- |
    采购产品类型: 智能照明系统,商业照明,灯泡
    0 P" S4 y% C/ w% z( ~
    ( b$ c, _  v. |, tOOO 'Midgard'. L! E- @1 M1 m/ o
    ) G7 w6 ~( n8 x- g商业照明,户外照明,灯具
    8 ^6 w* T0 l  P2 k2 G! _" h7 a* kOOO "Midgard" is a real estate developer, they mainly handle project of commercial building, real estate, hotels and appartment buildings.
    3 M4 O3 X! J3 p4 [( Q; K产品/服务类别:
    6 a+ a' y, e0 G7 J/ h; P! w- P, a照明产品
    . L$ m0 Q! T. d# Y7 y2 e8 ?创立年份:2011
    ' m. n# O; P4 g+ m( ?" _8 ?公司类别:进口商
    4 k3 c, B2 W) V, B8 F' i& [$ G公司网址:http://www.midgard.club
    6 w. t1 P# p; U+ R采购产品类型: 商业照明,户外照明,灯具( P6 H( f* B. E( b8 n# z
    # Z/ D, f9 j( k! b0 j9 t
    Argus Light
    ( s. j" L6 f) n' x; K  T6 T. |俄罗斯+ X8 t! [$ q3 O' q' ~2 p
    商业照明,户外照明,吊灯" {2 ^/ }6 d% g5 U7 r( W
    The company sells loft-style lamps and designs lighting solutions in the interior.+ j( c. W& L7 a6 D2 |
      w5 a% V1 \- c7 N1 `照明产品
    : D' m/ u8 |, C创立年份:2016" P7 k- f5 E: ?( F
    3 J# D) w. p# f1 m8 V) a  C6 t6 o公司网址:http://argus-light.ru; F! X! n( i, I' N
    采购产品类型: 商业照明,户外照明,吊灯
    6 j3 @3 |, B; M, ?
    : h0 G' c  x( R3 m5 F/ p  T% `Airfal International S.L.
    + y% i5 s# p1 I4 S9 p. z: ^西班牙0 Z* Q" R/ ?# w; J2 ^3 q
    0 b8 t$ c2 J& HAirfal International S.L. is an importer of lighting products in Spain.
    ) E5 _" I" ?/ M; k$ [, X% V9 ^  b产品/服务类别:
    & W) O1 O( ~$ j/ n* D1 P9 K* O2 U照明产品6 q( N/ Z9 M/ e, }( H3 a5 G  ]
    6 q  ~' U! J6 n2 U公司类别:进口商0 v2 i, t. t' U8 S& I
    6 \$ K2 J% B+ ^2 l0 i& w7 H' K/ W采购产品类型: LED光源,LED驱动器,照明灯具: T6 A1 D$ N8 y9 H1 z) ~2 l3 g

    ( i! d/ J6 E9 [- d0 T& V3 [Kujbusvill Kft1 `/ i( y3 J2 R
    3 t' ]7 M" n) _4 BLED户外照明,室内照明,工矿灯,灯泡,智能照明
    9 j$ n# I# z0 b7 n, H7 f' V8 OKujbusvill Kft is an importer and wholesaler of lamps and lighting products.
    6 s) B# I) e( D产品/服务类别:- P5 J# J/ z# W  h3 I6 {
    照明产品" k. p9 r% A( s# H8 [  U% {! U" X$ j
    公司类别:进口商, X/ E, W4 {: Y
    公司网址:http://kujbusvill.hu0 v8 J1 v' p6 y8 r, q$ a) y6 |; j! h
    采购产品类型: LED户外照明,室内照明,工矿灯,灯泡,智能照明
    & v+ V6 j: p7 r9 o
    5 A! d' ~& w3 Y- \Krislite Pte Ltd! ]+ `/ D9 j) ^: a% j+ U
    新加坡4 l$ ?' y) M- {' {! w7 L" F
    LED照明,屏幕,户外LED照明等1 I  w  i$ j6 D5 y
    Professional one-step lighting solution provider
    / F: O9 Q, G( o0 a+ Z! a2 o; s产品/服务类别:
    ! L6 W" Y" i2 ^照明产品
    2 T0 V5 |0 d& W2 R+ Z2 ~# f( f/ n创立年份:1992
      }) z* l7 _5 s& v1 G公司网址:http://www.krislite.com1 S8 J# q7 ^9 ]* Y* t
    采购产品类型: % `! d* x" @& t3 ]( h
    0 L3 T% N! u/ x. K5 ]+ i" t2 H
    Artmosphere Lighting Design Consultant9 i; g3 h- R5 O# b+ a% I
    印尼, ?0 [+ g, W+ b2 k
    % E/ B) u( a; ]They are an independent lighting design consultant that provides professional lighting design consultancy services. They believe every space is unique, so the lighting design should enhance its uniqueness and make it artistic in its own way. They focus on providing creative, innovative, and professional lighting design solution based on client’s preference and taste.
    # m# a' S  `% H! n. V产品/服务类别:0 i1 Q; a  l& ^( u& s  A1 i
    % {/ [' E" A* l* H9 l% {# B6 M创立年份:20098 P8 Q1 i1 H7 l- Q5 X0 o4 }8 q# ^
    公司网址:http://www.artmosphere-light.com  `' k/ V, d  q6 B. \
    采购产品类型: LED照明,屏幕,户外LED照明等! ~5 {; M% v: L- m& c0 k( i8 k

    ( V  B6 S3 v' Z( j+ t7 `) j! nPT. BC+A Ateliers
    / H+ H  |0 `6 Y印尼
    # {" ]8 M( n0 k' d# nLED模块,灯具,照明控制
    $ W6 d* V: ]' K. xBC+A Ateliers is a professional and independent design firm specializing in the field of lighting design. The firm manpower includes experts and masters in their respective field, ready to perform tasks with full commitment and responsibility.& Z* r; e$ a% r" B: I
    2 d4 ^" l2 g7 n4 O3 [; p照明产品
    6 w9 T% A. T7 |7 v7 ]% _4 j! S* v4 O创立年份:20096 a; J# F& e7 E% p8 w
    公司网址:http://www.bca-ateliers.com  {: j& y1 [% N5 A
    采购产品类型: LED,室内外照明,智能照明系统
    8 \, S' w7 [8 L' h9 q" v+ m  p& g9 J  F3 x5 B& R
    PT. Supplai Limpah Intl Cahaya4 [0 V5 R) d% G- S4 X
    % k. N( ?9 m' j' q' T0 F商业照明,门面照明,户外照明
    3 S) M4 Y  L2 i  Y: e5 C7 nStarted in 1995, serving interior designers community with choices of some of the most exquisite, best decorative lighting names in the industry, PT SUPP-LINC begins its operation importing and custom making as per designers' specific requests on items ranging from Wall Sconces, Table and Standing lamps, Pendants as well as Chandeliers.% u) T* s, V2 C1 [1 d4 m
    产品/服务类别:6 D; q. V! T; ^8 ?  `, Y: _& Q
    照明产品* z- |/ J" o# [
    创立年份:19955 o  ~) S  i2 `5 ~
    ! x4 E# {) T6 d. \采购产品类型: LED模块,灯具,照明控制
    " a8 U' h/ j- r6 i4 w$ E8 Z
    ! {1 w3 T, ]) VChine-Quebec6 k/ M6 O2 t! L' F
    6 J9 [3 O2 j1 h- ^LED室内灯饰
    8 K) i" ?+ G$ j. _* m4 r8 bChine-Québec is a service company aiming to promote business between China and Quebec.# C! N/ P# q4 l4 K; H
    产品/服务类别:$ x0 ]+ }" k* x7 U6 H
    & l4 A7 P7 v! D6 C. c创立年份:2010. Q7 \/ l. }! R
    $ R( r0 @; r7 b7 \. _7 u1 p公司网址:http://www.chine-quebec.com5 z+ H/ J+ d, Q7 U
    采购产品类型: 商业照明,门面照明,户外照明
    2 o* E, e% O6 b$ s5 ~: ^3 E" \) S  v: {8 p' a3 e& H0 v$ t
    TATA Realty and Infrastructure Limited
    + i5 j+ D+ N, |: Z, y. V印度% ~3 s: t8 e) [, R: C
    * k$ g2 _, U; I- A1 h# gTATA Realty and Infrastructure Ltd is in to developing and construction sector. TATA Realty build housing complexes, shopping mall, IT buildings, commercial complexes, MLCP, highways, ropeways, etc.) h- ~1 T3 O  J  V+ a+ K8 t6 J
    产品/服务类别:- u* s, h) J$ x0 [9 s
    照明产品& J0 i, H9 K1 o3 H) {. g% |( N$ M
    创立年份:20071 \3 ?% |8 Y0 F0 @# S! N  [' z
    9 i* |8 X+ E% d& U采购产品类型: LED室内灯饰
    1 t% t- J& Q: c6 z' g7 o
    4 c5 ~! H! w5 Z" `2 I! R1 {* hFrance Led Diffusion
    8 ?+ o& v  t* q9 \! U5 z/ H( \) y  T法国( b8 Z- M* a8 S. D0 m
    Indoor and outdoor LED lighting.8 ~' l4 N+ y1 [) ^
    France Led Diffusion imports and distributes LED lighting (indoor, outdoor, commercial, industrial) to customers, architects, electricians, design offices and civil works companies in France, Belgium and Swiss.4 B0 y# r) z6 h, G' j3 A
    , K. J  H. w# {5 @/ J/ m+ }3 z! m- L照明产品$ Q2 Y! M( c1 u! D
    & V" z0 i- M% y$ L公司类别:进口商、分销商
    & x8 h7 a1 B: u0 z8 K公司网址:http://www.byled.fr
    8 \2 \3 M6 {8 B) d6 a5 T4 b采购产品类型: LED商业照明,户外照明,智能照明系统, m9 u' }, a5 m7 g# v1 O7 z

    # a# r. l2 \% `) |3 e) uALLUX/ Z  k( T$ p, k
    巴西* h  L1 K3 k9 \4 Q8 b6 R
    LED tunnel light, flood light, street light, LED luminaires parts.) k% W9 X! w8 {: x" x) C
    ALLUX is an importer and helping local customers to source lighting products by project bases.) Q1 C' y5 K. z$ R
    : m! G6 V9 L# \. @: {1 o  y  h照明产品
    0 ]# n  v7 ?! P创立年份:2014& r( `5 [# f! J
    6 c' K+ X" B' M  U9 H采购产品类型: LED tunnel light, flood light, street light, LED luminaires parts (COB ACCOB modules driver, heatsinks, lens)., x2 p) W3 F/ U; }" H6 U

    7 Z8 T% J, x: B4 g0 ]% U" L( i' N8 C7 c$ a( GLEDprofiles s.r.o.( z" a; h# D1 Z  K, |+ y* e" x2 L
    % i" q; v+ }% a+ vLED light, commercial light, smart lighting system, aluminium profiles.
    6 l4 \' ?$ b/ q$ fLEDprofiles is a wholesale company that operates in the European Union. They started with aluminium profiles and now they are adding other products to provide their customers with mid-range solutions.0 |+ W+ ]$ U1 M$ U; @
    产品/服务类别:- B% z$ u, P1 k0 c; q
    照明产品" D: E/ w/ p. ~2 u0 n5 R, ]$ z
    创立年份:20163 Z1 z8 R# r2 w0 B, t0 T5 U, |1 a
    公司类别:批发商. F6 M( s* f& I' }2 n4 i# E- P
    # }7 O1 T& s1 h2 o: k9 D采购产品类型: LED light, commercial light, bulbs, smart lighting system, aluminium profiles.$ b2 J6 W! n4 ^0 [
    8 o% m+ ^% G7 L% _& i8 O! ~
    LEDIN Sp. z o.o. Sp.K.
    6 _0 U( Y! H' }& B# t% b波兰
    1 ]& L, E: B' V5 X& n% d7 FLED路灯,户外照明,LED灯泡5 w8 c, [& H$ h  V
    LEDIN Sp. z o.o. Sp.K. is a young, but very experienced import company and a main shareholder of the LED line brand, which is present on the European market for 8 years. The vision behind the LED line brand's emergence is to select and create products with new level of quality. Currently LED line offer includes over a dozen types of LED strips and another LED products for interior and exterior use.; ?) }) e% {/ |6 M$ S& z* o8 h

    6 g# t' u% y8 m; r9 w( k' Y产品/服务类别:7 [  ?  a+ t1 g
    1 S  G7 h. _0 H- ?' C2 C创立年份:20097 x: @2 Y! y& n6 Q4 L2 n
    公司类别:进口商,批发商,电子零售商8 g' T& P# @; r
    # {6 z0 Q' `1 g- R& H采购产品类型: LED路灯,户外照明,LED灯泡( p+ Y1 g4 M% a" C& v
      q9 ]2 J# k6 [, ]" Q3 J5 B
    Lighting Creation Associates( t5 P, e) E0 X/ p
    印尼4 P2 Q& @# E: s. s4 g: L' X0 r4 q* C
    4 P6 _3 E! u* `8 x0 E0 I) T5 v, Q
    ' |$ \. D: y  B2 q7 C$ S$ H# RIQ LED Sp. z.o.o.
    . @$ c* j/ u/ K3 O波兰/ s/ p' N( i. m/ B
    Smart lighting, indoor light, outdoor light.
    ! S- h! R8 z2 ~1 U6 IIQ LED Sp. z o.o. provide modern lighting and lighting control for hotels, offices, industrial halls, their clients are investors and designers. They sell products directly for investments and to other sellers. In the last period, they sell a lot of solutions from the area of Smart Lighting. Recently, their solar systems are very popular." w1 v- c% |3 O
    ! @: L0 N+ N7 d9 F: s$ C6 G
    $ J) Q+ K; `9 F照明产品
    6 _: s8 x7 ?+ _' Z1 `* j1 L4 q$ A2 y创立年份:2011
    ' o0 a/ D# J# L  p2 ~公司数目:3+ O7 B+ \0 n. K" z, s! d+ b$ @3 M
    公司类别:进口商、批发商9 n9 [) J$ q- c
    3 p- q+ C1 C. T. P; z. f$ M7 U# p采购产品类型: Smart lighting, indoor light, outdoor light.+ ]: W, j  [# z3 d1 j8 d
    $ K$ h6 d# U" I
    Lightcraft Pte Ltd
    , a5 k5 t- R! G5 L: Z7 ^1 h新加坡
    % f% l$ T: X# c- c" FLED室内和室外灯具
    8 c! P3 ~; G) `& J: B. G4 f+ d/ ELightcraft Pte Ltd. was established in 1977, with issued share capital of $2,500,000. The company was established to produce lighting fixtures in Singapore. Since then the company has expanded into a full service lighting company.0 |6 \) [; a5 {# E' y. L  u* o& x
    产品/服务类别:4 F2 Y0 g$ X& [! k
    照明产品  c  B2 Q4 E7 z0 a
    4 Z# S5 x: k7 ?: I/ L# a公司类别:进口商,批发商,出口商
    0 x( ^) y, `; h公司网址:http://www.lightcraft.com.sg/6 h% l/ |$ Q1 w3 M5 G$ L
    采购产品类型: LED室内和室外灯具        2 M% \6 }4 f1 \2 S* U9 N
    , U0 r+ f  l% E" N8 A; S; ~; l
    Enika CZ.s.r.o.. g" Z' [' A3 L4 K" o
    0 L+ x3 L) f" HLED户外和室内 - 办公室,工业,建筑,路灯8 [4 S. ?4 T, j# a
    Lighting for industry including lights for high temperatures, office, retail and general lighting, street lighting
    / R$ d# s! e- j- M7 _
    5 u6 b, f' W$ Q产品/服务类别:
    : z2 s8 L7 s& i5 F# ?3 `照明产品 ; 电子/电器零件及配件
    $ H2 w4 @. b) H9 u创立年份:1990
    9 U9 v0 X& u3 U- P" Q" y3 B) E公司类别:Importer, Wholesaler3 h$ E% T& r# ^& Z5 n
    + M! m2 g  g( Y5 \: h. s" V# ]采购产品类型: LED户外和室内 - 办公室,工业,建筑,路灯( r) _  F/ ^+ w7 P, m
    $ B- w& s! g% `9 ?9 h0 z& t5 D) B/ z
    SC Klausen Exim2 r9 s: i5 L8 H9 O& Q) w
    + s  z2 _+ M& _8 |: o* }! t- e现代照明,户外照明: t/ M0 Y3 _* m
    Kozmo lighting Equipment L.L.C was established in 1989. We are one of the leading suppliers of light fittings, street lightings, street light poles, and High mast to industrial, corporate and individual clients. Our portfolio covers a whole list of prestigious projects in the U.A.E and our doing our bit to improve the infrastructure of U.A.E.
    ; v: S5 y- W, O0 N3 W, }/ Y/ P产品/服务类别:
    % b+ W" L* ]" e' N' O9 g照明产品6 G- Q: ]3 `0 Q6 [
    创立年份:1989' i" S" p  G" r2 g  D" V+ q
    公司类别:进口商2 {3 }  [5 D+ b6 r. {0 O9 R
    0 s+ I2 G% W% N$ I采购产品类型: LED户外照明,照明灯具及配件0 c. M. {# J& y* G. n6 [
    6 ^2 P1 w9 N: c
    Kozmo Lighting Equipment Co. LLC% K! i+ L, I0 E9 R: T  z2 }4 j
    8 W2 u+ @; g+ N3 E, t' @LED户外照明,照明灯具及配件, Q' _+ u! v9 P  e
    Kozmo lighting Equipment L.L.C was established in 1989. We are one of the leading suppliers of light fittings, street lightings, street light poles, and High mast to industrial, corporate and individual clients. Our portfolio covers a whole list of prestigious projects in the U.A.E and our doing our bit to improve the infrastructure of U.A.E.7 E8 `6 ^1 u' E, W0 \0 ^! i# y
    - a% j2 j5 z! J$ `( H1 F" {照明产品
    # ?. X3 Q- y* N: k0 y" l创立年份:1989  ~5 X% F; N0 x( ]' F
    + q# ?$ J9 U1 g6 {: [6 B公司网址:http://www.kozmolighting.com
    / W4 E5 e) y& m* J- }! U5 e采购产品类型: LED户外照明,照明灯具及配件
    2 E/ p, }9 R% S' c  ?3 I$ s
    1 D$ P4 V' s5 O2 C" h3 ^' g+ KMigros Hong Kong Ltd
    6 f- n4 |# R3 k- G; ~香港
      K$ g- Y: S8 x: n室内装饰灯,户外庭院灯+ Q, J( o4 \: o9 ^; _, b
    Migros is the largest retailer in Switzerland and one of the top 50 retailers worldwide.; O' _, z' h; }! j1 w- ~

    ) _5 p- [  t9 O$ k产品/服务类别:
    5 O% {: ~$ Q# Y4 e, @照明产品
      x& j- h  f1 M" K2 X; _7 [公司类别:零售商& k1 A4 m4 [4 ^
    ! S( I3 W3 w$ r; O! H采购产品类型: 室内装饰灯,户外庭院灯
    ' K! O" D4 a! z7 y' O; v# \) k: P$ H; c$ c0 t
    Torino Holding S.A. (AZZARDO)$ f; D; q* G3 X2 q" V
    7 B5 q$ P# U& O6 k7 }6 B, D3 ^7 U* l9 RLED照明,装饰灯,工艺灯,LED灯泡,智能产品. h6 ?0 ^- e& L. D9 m
    TORINO HOLDING S.A. Company (AZzardo brand) is leading manufacturer of high-class lighting. The offer also includes decorative and bathroom lamps, a wide range of technical lighting. For customers who prefer modern technologies dedicated to handling lamps, LED light sources and smart light.
    ( J* g5 p' m8 u0 q产品/服务类别:2 O, }2 J, Y8 i2 M
    照明产品4 G# P3 q" @5 a6 X0 _
    公司类别:进口商/ w6 q' P1 [1 Q' f7 y! T
    采购产品类型: LED照明,装饰灯,工艺灯,LED灯泡,智能产品4 f7 z9 n: H2 n% b4 L" n
    9 b, b  Y2 V  w$ Q5 L
    Ledmar Elektronik Co. r0 ^7 f' u* H9 Q
    土耳其5 J; C7 L* s& n# q3 L" T$ O
    LED照明,电源,LED灯条,筒灯,LED面板( v# O4 j/ [2 i9 s
    Ledmar established in 2010. The mission is searching China market and import the goods from China and sell them as a wholesaler, their main products are LED bulbs, LED panels, LED floodlights, LED strips and other LED products. Their annual turn over is USD 8,000,000.
    ) G& N0 U5 X. i! a照明产品
    . s+ Q- x1 l4 [3 l- \! r; ?创立年份:20107 a$ b9 q6 h( k
    公司网址:http://www.ledmar.com4 Y' U! P! ~; v) w
    产品/服务类别: LED照明,电源,LED灯条,筒灯,LED面板+ P0 ?0 s& ^+ a# x1 z9 B

    6 Y  q- P4 t1 m采购产品类型:
    9 T' @" [+ Z% Q+ ]0 q# |3 KHHA & Partner Group Consultant., JSC9 Q: B" y1 s  u( h* x7 `) p
    越南1 k& W) {3 N  ]7 @
    LED,智能照明系统" k' k. l, r& W* H3 S
    HHA & Partner Group Consultant Joint Stock Company is a company specializing in providing advanced and modern lighting solutions in Vietnam market. HHA & Partner Group Consulting Join Stock Company provides advanced and modern LED lighting solutions for customers in Vietnam. Providing solutions not just products, research, providing modern and advanced lighting solutions for customers is the goal in HHA's activities.' x9 L" R. b% Q/ \
    产品/服务类别:/ x0 J7 ]- M# `0 w1 V
    , d! l# j0 P# @0 X创立年份:2015& Z0 `8 K; g, Z& A" B' a& s: g
    公司类别:批发商,分销商; W; _8 p+ A3 f. F
    # l  Y  O) e: f# u$ u4 Z采购产品类型: LED,智能照明系统

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